Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hondura's - Background History

Every country has a history that has lead to how the country is today; Honduras is no different. They have been colonized and have had conflicts with neighboring countries. Honduras was originally inhabited by different indigenous people, including Mayans, Lencas, and Tol, before the Spanish arrived and colonized in 1502. Columbus named the region "Honduras", meaning great depth, because of the deep water off the coast.

Honduras, along with four other Central American nations, gained independence from Spain in 1821. Honduras first became part of an independent Mexico and went on to join the newly formed United Provinces of Central America. however, this did't last long due to social and economic difference between Honduras and neighboring countries; the federation collapsed in 1838. General Francisco Morazan, an Honduran national hero, led unsuccessful efforts to maintain the federation. But Honduras left the Central American Federation in October 1838 and became independent.

Since its independence, Honduras has struggled internal rebellions, civil wars, changes in government, etc... In the 1900s, Honduras' agricultural economy was dominated by U.S. companies established in the country. Dictator Tiburcio Carias Andino controlled Honduras during these years of the Great Depression since 1932. A Liberal Party ruled from 1957-1963. In October 1963, conservative military officers exiled the Liberal Party and governed until 1970.

In 1969, Honduran government departed approximately 300,000 undocumented Salvadoran immigrants in Honduras. Tensions soon began with these two countries and El Salvador was overpopulated. During a soccer match in the preliminary of the World Cup, Salvadorans were killed. El Salvador decided to invade Honduras in what is called the Soccer War.  By threatening economic sanctions an military intervention, the Organization of American States (OAS) induced El Salvador to withdraw.

In October 1998, Hurricane Mitch devastated Honduras, leaving 13,000 people dead and 2 million homeless. This lead the country to poverty and caused more than $5 billion in damage. Honduras and Nicaragua had tensions in 2000 and 2001 because of maritime boundary dispute, but the relationship has improved. In 2002, president Ricardo Maduro promised to lessen corruption and crime but these problems didn't improve. In 2009, President Manuel Zelayas was disposed in a military coup, bringing instability to the country.

All these problems that have happened in Hondura's history is what has lead this country to so much poverty. These problems are being treated and you could say they have improved but they are still there. This is something that will not go away in a blink of an eye, these problems will take time to get better.

Honduran History Links:

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